Our quality policy

Our quality policy

Our lawyers, who are experts in their fields, use coordinated communication methods to the fullest and produce solutions that reach results quickly.

Our responsibilities towards our clients;

We work with our clients with a continuous flow of information and an understanding that responds to their needs and demands in the shortest time and in the most accurate way, based on their satisfaction.

Our Social Responsibilities ;

Karahan Law Firm employees, who have goodness, respect, love, tolerance and similar characteristics, always carry out their work within the framework of these values.

Our Legal Responsibilities ;

Karahan Law Firm employees T.R. We carry out our work in line with the legal profession principles within the framework of laws and international law, and provide accurate, complete and understandable information to legal regulatory institutions and organizations in a timely manner, by strictly complying with universal legal principles, professional ethics and ethical rules.

Our responsibilities towards our colleagues;

By avoiding unfair competition, we implement efforts to ensure a legal structure with a dynamic, transparent and honest structure.

Team Spirit ;

Being able to say "we" instead of "I" and acting together as a whole causes the release of creative energy. With this thought, every member of our team respects and supports each other.

Transparency ;

Karahan Office employees work to ensure that their rights to obtain and access necessary information about their clients are secured by constitutional norms.

Privacy ;

As Karahan Law Firm, we protect personal and corporate secrets.

Creativity and Free Thinking ;

Creativity is taken as a basis in everything we do, and different opinions are expressed freely.